Friday, April 3, 2009

Funny & heart felt reactions to my email notifying family and friends...

  • Are you sure you didn't get Moldova mixed up with the Maldives? *ex co-teacher from Thailand days.
  • Where are you going again? Monalona? Machu Picchu? Maldanado? What? *Friend in New York.
  • Money will never bring you happiness, but experiencing the world, trying to make it a better place, and spreading the love, or even finding true love is the only goal worth pursuing. Everything else will shortchange you. *A favorite Aunt.
  • what does this mean for our potential marriage, am I to wait for
    your re-arrival, if it ever comes? *Childhood friend who I must have promised I would marry if I wasn't married by age 30 or something. Let's hope there are some single guys in Moldova for me to marry! Just kidding ;-)
  • you sound like an info-mercial for the Peace Corps *Father of same childhood friend, and also somehow distant cousin through the Polish side of my heritage. This fact makes the previously mentioned marriage all the much more pressing!
  • Give our love to Julie Andrews *Same father of same childhood friend. I guess a pun at the fictional country of Genovia from the movie the princess diaries.
  • Somehow I'm not surprised. We all knew you would be leaving, it was just a matter of when and where! *Another childhood friend.
  • As the dark lord once said... "You MUST fulfill your destiny". *New York friend.


  1. Hey - I know who that childhood friend is and he promised me the same thing! Guess that's why I'm getting married this year!

  2. Nothing like a deadline looming
